Enter the desired save directory name in the textbox.After you're done copying/replacing files click 'Unmount'.Your save is now mounted and accessible from ftp in /mnt/pfs/ & in /mnt/sandbox/NPXS20001_000/savedataX (it's the same just a different dir).Click 'Search' & select the save you want to mount.Click 'Get Games' & select the game you want to use in the combobox.Click 'Setup' & select the user you want to use in the combobox.Enter the ip of your ps4 and click 'Connect'.net framework 2.0 executables (even windows 98 can run this) To make sure you're using a recent ps4debug version, bin of the latest ps4debug (as of 11/14) is included in the download.Make decrypted copies of any save (as long as it's encrypted with keys 5.05).This program allows you to mount save data with RW permission and a lot more shit, just read this damn thing You can